Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adventures in Utah

Lindsay has been bugging me about updating my blog so here goes. I don't have any pictures since my camera is on the fritz but A LOT has definitely changed since my last post. I moved back to Utah at the end of December, not necessarily because I wanted to, but I felt that it was right. And the first few weeks were very very hard, missing new york and my family out there so much. But things got better. I actually made a phone call to the AI of Salt Lake on my drive to Utah, to hopefully be placed in a job and as it turned out, they were looking for a pastry chef instructor. So I got the position three days before the quarter started as long as I agreed to attend school to finish my 4-year degree. So not only am I teaching full time, but I'm also attending UVU full time as well. I'm definitely stretched thin, but I'm doing really well, and adjusting back to life in mormonville USA. I absolutely love my job, it's so crazy being the instructor when it was me being the student not so long ago. And to have the students call me "chef", and getting to make all the decisions and share my culinary knowledge with them! It's so great!! Plus it's been awesome being near Amy and Tony again. We get together a few times a week at minimum. And Glenn and Mandi live right around the corner so I'm over there several times a week. They've been a huge blessing in mine and mom and Hailey's lives. We couldn't thank them enough. It's also a lot of fun living with mom and Hailey, just hanging out and what have you, and being near the rest of the fam.
I am still planning on returning back to NY but it will probably be a lot later than I planned. I will most likely stay here until I finish my degree which could be either December or next April depending on the classes. It's been a hard road, but it's getting better and the Lord is definitely blessing me in His own ways.