Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baby Pulham's First Pic

This is our new baby's first picture!! My first appointment was June 14th and at that time I was nine weeks. I will now be 11 weeks on Monday. Only one more week til my second trimester which I'm so so excited because I'm hoping it's really as much easier than the first trimester as people say. I have been lucky in the fact that I haven't really been pregnant sick much, but because your immune system lowers so much during pregnancy I have caught everything you can imagine. If somebody even remotely sick breathes in my direction I catch it. Now I seem to have contracted allergies which I have never had before and I'm beginning to wonder if they might kill me because they're so miserable!
But we're so excited to have this new little come into our lives. Ryann is already doing such a good job at getting ready to be a big sister and could not be more excited. She hugs and kisses the baby as much as she can (well, my belly) and talks to it all the time. It's very cute.
When I showed her the ultrasound picture though she was quite disappointed. She said "I thought there was a baby in your tummy mom, not a jellybean!" She sure makes us laugh.

The "Mexicans" Come for a Visit

Because Camille and Lindsay live in New Mexico, Ryann always refers to their kids as "Her Mexican Cousins". She even asked me one time if they spoke Spanish. LOL.
Anyway, the last few weeks they've been up for a visit which has been so great! Lindsay was only able to stay for a week so we missed her when she left. But Cam and the girls were able to stay for a whole 3 weeks which has been so great! McKenzie and Ryann have had such a ball playing together. They didn't get along very well at the wedding so it was a pleasant surprise to see them have such fun together. Wherever one was, the other wasn't far behind. Here are a few pics from the trip. I don't have many now because Camille and Lindsay took most of them as usual. I will have to post more when they send them to me.

The girls loved playing dress ups and "Hair" all day long!

Hayzen insisted on wearing this skirt most days he was at Grammy's. When he would come to our house, he would complete the ensemble with some of Ryann's sunglasses or sometimes a tiara. Good thing Matt wasn't here!