Friday, November 28, 2008

wow, it really has been a long time!

Well, i'm still a total loser and have nothing to post other than one cake. My camera broke so I haven't been taking any pictures which is a big reason for not posting anything new. But the story on this cake is pretty cool. A lady came into our shop the other day and said she was a publisher for a bridal magazine and had seen one of our cakes at a wedding and wanted to publish it. So she said she would email me a pic of it so we could give her a description to put with the picture. Low and behold it was one of my cakes that I decorated!! So as of January's issue of this magazine, I will be a published artist! It's def not one of my favorite cakes, so I don't know why she liked it so much, but she raved about it, so that made my day.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh Poppycock!!

Again I apologize for the huge gap between posts. Life has been crazy, plus we didn't have internet until yesterday, and now I don't know how I ever lived without it. Not too much is new. I am a scout leader for the 10 year olds, and call me unrighteous, but it is definitely not my favorite calling. But I'm working on it, hopefully the Lord bears with me. Still continuing to work, and just enjoying being with the Sisson family. Here are some more photos from times at the lake and freezing corn.

I got to just drip and splatter on this one like a first grade art project. It was awesome!
chocolate fondant. Very weird and crappy to work with.

Summer's baby shower, cupcake basket

Dave's birthday cake
Dave and his cake

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sorry it's been sooooo long since i've updated. Busy, Busy Busy!! plus our internet has been down so i only have access when i'm at tim and amy's but here is what i've been working on. hope you enjoy them, and let me know if you have any feed back cause i can always use the improvement!!

I hand placed every single one of these beads on by hand, with tweezers. it took over 8 hours!!!!

Mama Sisson's Birthday Cake
Papa Sisson's birthday cake. it started to fall apart a little in the car ride home!

My final project at school
and he's not missing an eye, he's playing peek a boo!