Sunday, May 18, 2008

Giv'n a Holla from the East Coast

Well I don't have really anything exciting to report other that things are still going wonderfully and amazingly well! I was talking to a friend the other day about jobs and what we do in our spare time and I told him that I would still want to do what I do for a living, in my spare time. And I realized how lucky and blessed I am cause how many people can say that? How many people love their jobs enough to want to do it all the time? So I feel very lucky to, as dad would say, "Have something to be excited about when you get up in the morning." So thanks dad for always teaching us the importance of this principle, it definitely stuck with me and after lots of work and school I am now being able to utilize it.
I don't have pictures of my latest work as of yet because I wasn't wearing my pink helmet on the short bus I guess, and I left my camera at school. But I took pictures on my boss's camera and she is going to email them to me. I was very excited this week though because my boss let me do my first wedding cake, start to finish, all by myself. I have been helping her with them, but never allowed to do one all by myself. I guess I'm improving or something, for her to trust me with that responsibility. I'm sure you all laugh at me and I know this makes me sound like a geek, but it is such a rush to work on these cakes and then see the finished product, and think "wow, I did that!"
Plus I got to make a John Deere cake this week!!! It was awesome!! My boss had never done one before and she knows how much I love John Deere so she saved it for me and just told me to figure out how to carve it and build it, and then just run with it. So I did. I wasn't able to spend as much time as I would have liked because it was just a small birthday cake, but I think I've come up with ways to improve it. It did turn out very adorable though if I do say so myself.
Okay, okay. I'm sorry all I ever talk about is cakes. I wish I could say there was more going on in my life though, but there isn't too much. I'm so busy between school and work and traveling between the two that I don't have time for much else. I have been on some dates though with some guys upstate, which I have to say, I definitely prefer the upstate guys to the ones downstate. They're a little more rugged and more to my liking, although none are worth mentioning in detail. I also really like the ward a lot, everyone is very friendly. All in all life is fabulous! So to quote Robin Hood "OODALOLLY OODALOLLY!!" (and yes, I came up with the spelling all by myself! I'm not a spelling bee champ for nothin, ya know!)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Turkey Hunting

Well so far this is all I have to show for my attempts at turkey hunting. Ridiculous I know! I've been out three mornings and two of the three I shot a bird but they both got away. I'm extremely ticked about the whole thing!
So here's the story on how I got my extremely rugged battle wound. I was up in the tree blind which has plexiglass windows that hangs down, and you just prop them open with a piece of wire while you're hunting. Well after waiting for 3 hours, a tom walked out almost right below the tree blind, so I just barely stuck my gun out the window, setting up the shot when the window closed and slammed the scope into my eye which is how I got the black eye and the cut under my eye. This of course scared me because it was the last thing I was expecting and I jumped and shoved the scope up into my forehead giving me the big cut. But even after all this the turkey was still just sitting there, so I took off my sweater and tied it around my forehead to stop the bleeding and took the shot. I hit him and he dropped but he got up and ran away. And I had blood gushing into my eyes so I could barely see to take another shot. I am still so mad about not getting him cause he was huge too!! But I still have a month to get one so that's good. Eight stitches total, 6 on top and two on bottom. But even with the injury I definitely enjoy turkey hunting!! It's been some of the funnest times I've ever had hunting, other than rabbits with Quinn of course!
The ironic thing about it, is that most of the Sisson boys have this exact same scar in the same place from getting hit in the eye with a scope. So when I got home they all hugged me and said "now you're an official member of the Sisson family!" It was pretty funny.

More Cakes

These are the cupcake baskets we do. We do them in lots of sizes and they're very popular. We made 25 of them for the centerpieces for this particular wedding. It took forever!
I handmade each of those frosting flowers. about 700 total!

This was the wedding cake that went with all the cupcake baskets. They went to australia on their honeymoon. Hence the hideous cake toppers.
Sweet Sixteen party
Christening (I even made the shoes!)
This is the cake topper. How cute is that!!