Thursday, March 3, 2011

A New Year Brings a New Baby!

Well 2011 has begun and we got to begin the new year with our new little one. On January 3 my water began to leak so I checked into the hospital and the joyous event of childbirth began. I was in labor for 12 hours before Gunner Tyree Pulham arrived at 2:45 am on January 4. The delivery wasn't terrible once the second epidural the anesthesiologist gave me finally kicked in and what a gift that epidural was! All of us were so happy to have him here and couldn't have asked for a better way to begin the year.

Getting ready to go home, finally! I'm not cut out for taking it easy in a hospital bed. I got to the point where I was going out to the nurses station to ask for stuff just so I could get out of bed and do something.