Monday, May 5, 2008

Turkey Hunting

Well so far this is all I have to show for my attempts at turkey hunting. Ridiculous I know! I've been out three mornings and two of the three I shot a bird but they both got away. I'm extremely ticked about the whole thing!
So here's the story on how I got my extremely rugged battle wound. I was up in the tree blind which has plexiglass windows that hangs down, and you just prop them open with a piece of wire while you're hunting. Well after waiting for 3 hours, a tom walked out almost right below the tree blind, so I just barely stuck my gun out the window, setting up the shot when the window closed and slammed the scope into my eye which is how I got the black eye and the cut under my eye. This of course scared me because it was the last thing I was expecting and I jumped and shoved the scope up into my forehead giving me the big cut. But even after all this the turkey was still just sitting there, so I took off my sweater and tied it around my forehead to stop the bleeding and took the shot. I hit him and he dropped but he got up and ran away. And I had blood gushing into my eyes so I could barely see to take another shot. I am still so mad about not getting him cause he was huge too!! But I still have a month to get one so that's good. Eight stitches total, 6 on top and two on bottom. But even with the injury I definitely enjoy turkey hunting!! It's been some of the funnest times I've ever had hunting, other than rabbits with Quinn of course!
The ironic thing about it, is that most of the Sisson boys have this exact same scar in the same place from getting hit in the eye with a scope. So when I got home they all hugged me and said "now you're an official member of the Sisson family!" It was pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. i have to admit that is pretty funny. i keep telling matt he needs to take me turkey hunting because i think it would be really fun. i did draw out for the rifle hunt though for a buck. becca and i did. matt and jed didn't though. i thought that was pretty funny. so the girls get the goods this year. i'm glad you had fun.
luv ya

Tawnya said...

Good heavens Nicole! That is a nice wound you got yourself! That is too bad the little turkey got away, hopefully you can get another one!