Friday, April 16, 2010

"In a minute mom!"

One of Ryann's favorite things to do is "help" mom clean the bathroom.
I asked Ry to clean her room one day and she used the same excuse we've all used, "in a minute mom" and everytime I would walk in her room to check on her progress she would be playing with her toys. We had decided to have pizza that night for dinner but I told her she couldn't have any til her room was clean and she said "that's fine." When she asked if she could watch tv I told her not until her room was clean and she said "that's fine." Then I started to clean the bathroom and she asked if she could help but I told her not until her room was clean. She immediately hopped up, yelled "okay mom!" and ten minutes later I had a clean bedroom plus a cleaning buddy. It made me laugh that the only motivator for her was scrubbing toilets!.This could come in very handy in a few years!


sarahblad said...

You have a very cute family! Hopefully she keeps that up!

The Wasek Family said...

That's hilarious! I'll have to try that!